
BASIL June 2024

The front cover of BASIL shows an image taken by Jane Clark (BAS) of NGC 3628, also known as the Hamburger Galaxy.  The galaxy is a member of the Leo Triplet. Observing highlights of the month include: All month: Possibility of noctilucent displays 3 June: Waning crescent Moon lies near Mars (am) 4 June: Jupiter and Mercury lie half-a-degree […]

BASIL June 2023

The front cover of BASIL shows an image of the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) with supernova (SN) 2023ixf taken recently by BAS member Jane Clark.  Jane’s M101 image and acquisition details were featured in the ‘Sky at Night’ magazine, along with a similar image taken by BAS member Chris Lee (Amateur astrophotographers capture bright supernova in […]

BASIL June 2022

The front cover of BASIL shows an image of the bright star Arcturus (Alpha Boötis), which is well placed for observing in June. Solar cycle progression shows a marked upward trend in sunspot numbers over the year – predicted numbers are given for the next 12 months, as solar activity is forecast to increase. Planetary […]

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