BASIL December 2020

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  • Create Date 30 November 2020
  • Last Updated 30 November 2020

BASIL December 2020

December is a great month for observing Mars - reaching an elevation of ~45 degrees when due south, amateur astronomers will be able to see surface features such as Syrtis Major when the seeing conditions are good.

21st December 2020 - the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, passing within 6.1 arcminutes of each other. This will be the closest approach of the two planets since the year 1623, and offers a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the two planets within the same telescopic field of view.

Visible passes of the International Space Station and the USAF unmanned space vehicle X-37B.

31 Astronomical events are listed for December, including the Geminid Meteor Shower 2020 (4 - 17 December; peak 14 December).

Members' astro-images from Darren Gamlin, David Bennett and Andrew Grasemann.

23 observing targets for December are listed, all well placed for observing in December.

Detailed observing data are given for 4 targets:  the Pleiades (M45), the Hyades open cluster, the Blue Snowball planetary nebula and the beautiful double star Almach.

Society News includes the Bristol Gulls' visit to the BAS Observatory, BAS involvement in the National Astronomy Week and an update from the last BAS Committee meeting.


BASIL December 2020

One thought on “BASIL December 2020

  1. Excellent edition of BASIL, as is always the case. I note Andrew Grasemann has provided the links to the very useful NASA SVS source. SVS have now posted the links for 2021, and here they are:

    (1) Current state of the Moon – the link is unchanged, and is
    (2) For a specified date/time in 2021
    (3) HD Lunar Image
    Having obtained the frame number from either of the two links above (hover mouse cursor over the image), use the following link to obtain an unlabelled HD image:


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