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- Create Date 27 February 2022
- Last Updated 27 February 2022
BASIL March 2022
The front cover of BASIL shows plans for a 3D printed model of the Society's Cyril Swindin telescope, which is being prepared by BAS member Trevor Taylor. The Cyril Swindin telescope was a 12-inch Newtonian reflector telescope which was in the dome at our Failand Observatory for many years, prior to the installation of the modern Meade LX600 system in 2018. More information about the Cyril Swindin telescope can be found in the publications section of the BAS website. Further updates on progress with the model will be given in a future edition of BASIL.
Solar cycle progression data continues to show a slight spike in sunspot numbers over the last few months - predicted numbers are given for the next 12 months, as solar activity is forecast to slowly increase.
Constellation of the month is Leo, which is well placed for observing its stars and deep sky objects.
26 observing targets for the month are listed, with more details given for the open cluster M44 (the Beehive Cluster in Cancer), M37 (open cluster in Cancer), galaxies M95,96 and 105 in Leo, and the irregular galaxy M82 (the Cigar Galaxy in Ursa Major).
Society News includes details of the 2022 programme of talks, with monthly meetings at Unit 13 set to resume from 18th March - meetings at Unit 13 will be 'hybrid' meetings which will also be available over Zoom.
Society News also includes a summary report on the BAS Annual General Meeting, held on 25 Feb 2022, and details of the new BAS Committee for 2022/23.