

The society has an active membership that are keen to share their joys of observing. 

We can arrange visits for Schools, Scouts, Guides and other youth groups and Clubs.


As a society we receive many questions about buying telescopes.  

We’ve prepared some advice for those purchasing for the first time, or looking to upgrade. 

Simple Observation tools

To find out what is visible tonight try Stellarium Online Planetarium Stellarium Star Map

Sky & Telescope app. Position of Jupiter’s moons Jupiter’s Moons


One of our most important roles is to promote Astronomy as a hobby and there is no better way to do this than by providing the opportunity for you to view the heavens through a telescope. Stargazing events are very popular and are usually run at our Club Observatory located 5 miles to the south of Bristol between the months of October and March. 

If you would like to experience an exciting and instructive tour of the night sky guided by our members, then please click here Eventbrite listing and see what days we have planned.

Observing is weather dependant so tickets will be indicated as ‘Not Yet On Sale’ until 10.00 am on the day of the event. If the weather forecast is favourable tickets will then become available. Make a note of the date you are interested in and check Eventbrite on the morning of the event. You can also follow us in Eventbrite and get e-mail notifications of our events.

Click on a ticket in our Eventbrite listing to obtain further details on how to find us and what to bring and where to park etc.

Please note. If you are a member of the Bristol Astronomical Society and would like to attend a Stargazing night do not book through Eventbrite. Simply e-mail outreach@bristolastrosoc.org.uk of your intention to attend when the event has been confirmed as on.

We also run annual Star Parties in association with local interest groups. These include:

Victoria Park (Victoria Park Action Group)
Bristol Downs (Friends of the Downs and Avon Gorge)
Troopers Hill (Friends of Troopers Hill)

Forthcoming Stargazing nights
Members Observing Night at our Club Observatory

A Members Observing Night (MON) is an observational night dedicated to studying a specific object that is currently visible.  It can also be a training night concentrating on a specific observational technique, instrument, or software. The choice is yours so please suggest a topic that interests you.  

This year we aim to hold a Members Observing Night on any clear Friday. If its a club night the observatory will be opened after the meeting otherwise it will be earlier. A MON  event will normally appear mid week and a decision made to GO/NOGO at 10.00 am on the Friday.


Forthcoming Members Observing Nights
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