Artist’s impression of our original Society 12” reflecting telescope, affectionately called Cyril after the man who donated the telescope to the Society. This telescope has now been retired for a more modern one. This telescope is the basis for the Society logo.
Patrick Moore (3rd from the left) at the opening of the Society Observatory in 1972, with Steve Pine, BAS Chairman on the left.
Our original Vice-Presidents. From left to right: Dr. Rodney Hilliar (deceased) – Bristol University Physics Lecturer, Prof. Mark Birkenshaw – Bristol University Astronomy Chair, Gordon Taylor (deceased) – founder member of the Society and Royal Greenwich Observatory Occultation’s Dept., Cliff Martin (deceased) – Society Treasurer for 40 years.
Treasurer Cliff Martin cutting the cake when the Society celebrated its 60th anniversary. Cliff was the Society Treasurer for 40 years.
In 2003 the Society had the privilege to host a public meeting with US astronomer and comet hunter David Levy, co-discoverer of the Shoemaker-Levy comet which crashed spectacularly into Jupiter in 1994.
David Levy (centre) with Tricia Brown (BAS Secretary) and Roger Steer (BAS Chairman)