The Bristol Astronomical Society Observatory
Work began on the Observatory in 1970.
The 12 inch reflector was donated to the Society by Cyril Swindin C.B.E.
The Observatory was officially opened by Patrick Moore in 1972.
The Cyril Swindin telescope.
The Observatory with the 12 inch Cyril Swindin telescope.
Having served us well for over 45 years the Cyril Swindin telescope has been retired and replaced with a more modern 12 inch telescope which will allow astrophotography and more sophisticated observing.

The temporary 10 inch Meade computer controlled telescope, prior to the installation of the 12 inch LX600.
The 12 inch LX600, polar aligned for long exposure astrophotography.
The LX600 fitted with CCD camera, used to show images on a screen for public viewing.
A typical public observing session with several member telescopes as well as the observatory in operation.
For enquiries regarding the Society’s observatory please Email the Observatory Director:
For any other enquires please send us a message from the Contact Page.