Lunar occultation of Saturn

BASIL January 2025

The front cover of BASIL shows an image of Caldwell 30, the ‘Deer Lick Group’, taken by BAS member Chris Lee. BASIL’s content has been reviewed for the new year and the revised edition is slightly shorter in length, but contains numerous active web links for further astronomical information e.g. object finder charts, solar phenomena, […]

BASIL August 2024

The front cover of BASIL shows an image of the Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 27), taken by BAS member Simon Smith, using a SeeStar S50. Observing highlights of the month include: 1 August: Waning crescent Moon lies near M35 after rising (am) 5 August: Jupiter, Mars and Aldebaran form a right-angled triangle (am) 9 August: Double shadow transit of Jupiter (am) […]

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