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- Create Date 31 December 2024
- Last Updated 31 December 2024
BASIL January 2025
The front cover of BASIL shows an image of Caldwell 30, the ‘Deer Lick Group’, taken by BAS member Chris Lee.
BASIL’s content has been reviewed for the new year and the revised edition is slightly shorter in length, but contains numerous active web links for further astronomical information e.g. object finder charts, solar phenomena, latest astronomy news etc.
The revised BASIL includes the following new items:
- Daily solar map of sunspots and active features.
- Planetary observability times for the Bristol area.
- Beginner’s guide for locating some of the major constellations.
- Lunar features to observe in 2025.
- Constellation of the month with links to star charts and deep sky objects.
- Latest astronomy news.
Comments and suggestions for improvements to BASIL are most welcome and if you have some, or any additional astronomy topics or areas to be included, then please let the BASIL Editor know by contacting: BASIL@bristolastrosoc.org.uk
Key topics for January include:
- Early evening lunar occultation of Saturn on Saturday 4th
- Mars reaches opposition on 16th
- Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are well placed for observation during the month.
- Use the ‘Plough’ to easily locate six of the major constellations.
- Observe the Hadley Grille on the Moon, famous as one of the features explored by the Apollo 15 astronauts.
- 24 observing targets are listed for January.
- Constellation of the month is Orion, with links to star charts and DSO targets.
- Latest astronomy news – look out for the national astronomy news item involving Dr Jane Clark of the Bristol and Cardiff Astronomical Societies.
Finally, Society News includes meetings and events for January and February 2025, along with photos from the BAS Christmas Party held on 6th December 2024.