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- Create Date 24 April 2023
- Last Updated 24 April 2023
BASIL May 2023
The front cover of BASIL shows an image of the Sunflower Galaxy (M63) taken recently by BAS member Chris Lee. M63 is well-placed for observing this month.
Predicted solar activity, solar images from the GOES SUVI telescope, solar cycle progression, lunar phases and events, solar system finder charts and rise / set times are reported for May.
Also included are the monthly observing calendar, highlights of the May night sky, observable comets and asteroids, and the calendar of astronomical events for May.
Constellation of the month is Canes Venatici, which is well-placed for observing its deep sky objects, including a number of interesting galaxies.
Visible transits of the ISS for May are listed - 64 passes this month.
21 observing targets for the month are listed and more details are given for observing the following targets:
- The Sunflower Galaxy (M63).
- The red-toned carbon star 'La Superba' in Canes Venatici.
- Makarians chain of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.
Society News gives details of the 2023 programme of talks and events, up to the end of the year.