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- Create Date 31 August 2024
- Last Updated 31 August 2024
BASIL September 2024
The front cover of BASIL shows an image of 61 Cygni taken by BAS member Jane Clark. Jane and BAS member David Bennett are working on a technically challenging project to accurately measure stellar parallax and calculate stellar distances for relatively nearby stars. Pages 30-1 of BASIL shows some of the key images and data obtained so far by the project.
Observing highlights of the month include:
- 2 September: Very thin Moon lies near Regulus (am)
- 5 September: Venus lies near 5%-lit waxing crescent Moon (pm)
- 8 September: Saturn at opposition
- 13/14 September: Excellent Ganymede shadow transit from 23:38 BST
- 18 September: Small partial lunar eclipse of the Harvest Moon (am)
19 well placed observing targets for the month are listed on p24-25, with more information provided for observing M15 (Globular Cluster in Pegasus) and 61 Cygni (Double Star in Cygnus).
Constellation of the month is Pegasus, containing the well known asterism the Great Square of Pegasus and a number of bright stars and deep sky objects, including M15.
There will be a small partial lunar eclipse on 18th September and p21 provides more details of timings and visibility.
Finally, Society News includes meetings and events for 2024 and photos from the BAS summer BBQ held at Failand on 17th August 2024.