Date: 17 Aug 24
5:00 pm - 11:00 pm



Speaker: Institution:

After the success of the BAS BBQ last year we are arranging another for this year. It will be at 5 pm on Saturday 17th August and will be weather dependent. Families of members are welcome. Hopefully it will be a great event, so please attend if you can. For new members, the Failand Observatory will be open for you to see the main society telescope and the new binocular observing Star-Chair 3000.

Place – Failand Observatory
Date – Saturday 17th August
Times – 5:00pm till late
Tickets – £8 pre-payment or ‘on the door’

Food will be provided and the BBQ subcommittee will set up the barbecue(s). We ask that people bring a chair or blanket to sit on plus any alcohol or other drinks they would like to bring. Bottled water and fruit juice will be provided as will regular BBQ food (burgers, sausages, including vegetarian option, plus crisps and nibbles) but please be prepared to bring specialist food for yourself if you have specific dietary requirements. Tea and coffee making facilities are also available at the Observatory.

Depending on the weather we will also open up the observatory as it goes dark. Sunset is at 20:29 and it’s fully dark from 22:50 on 17th August.

If you’re planning to attend and can help with a lift share then please let us know.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to as soon as possible but by Friday 9th August latest, and please also provide the following information:

  1. The number of people in your party.
  2. Any special dietary requirements.
  3. If you are able to provide a lift to members including how many seats you have available.
  4. If you will need a lift to the observatory.

More details will be provided (to those who respond) nearer the time.

It will be lovely to see you all in person and have a proper chance to chat about all things astronomical.

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