NASA in a Space Suit Pickle? by Trevor Taylor

Date: 7 Aug 20
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

NASA in a Space Suit Pickle? by Trevor Taylor

Speaker: Institution:

History, theory, practice and possible future of these personal space ships

(preceded by a contribution from Eddie)

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NASA in a Space Suit Pickle? by Trevor Taylor

2 thoughts on “NASA in a Space Suit Pickle? by Trevor Taylor

  1. Hi Trev,
    I see that you still have:

    Date: 07/08/2020
    7:00 am <<<<<<

    Although it says 7pm elsewhere.
    bob(mc) – nitpicker :-o)

  2. Thanks Bob. I have modified the entry to show 7.15 but I fear folks will turn up late! After three months of preparation I don’t want them to miss a single word!
    ‘Nitpicker’ indeed – more likely ‘an observer of civil duties’ ?
    Best wishes

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