BASIL August 2024

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- Create Date 1 August 2024
- Last Updated 1 August 2024
BASIL August 2024
The front cover of BASIL shows an image of the Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 27), taken by BAS member Simon Smith, using a SeeStar S50.
Observing highlights of the month include:
- 1 August: Waning crescent Moon lies near M35 after rising (am)
- 5 August: Jupiter, Mars and Aldebaran form a right-angled triangle (am)
- 9 August: Double shadow transit of Jupiter (am)
- 12 August: Peak of the Perseid meteor shower
- 21 August: Saturn occulted by the Moon (am)
18 well placed observing targets for the month are listed on p24-25, with more information provided for observing M27 (Dumbbell Nebula), M56 (a Globular Cluster) and NGC 6543 (the Cats Eye Nebula).
Constellation of the month is Vulpecula, 'the Fox', which contains M27. Vulpecula is not the easiest constellation to find, so well worth taking the challenge to locate it in the night sky.
There are two interesting astronomical events during the month, namely, the Perseid meteor shower (12 August) and the relatively rare occultation of Saturn by the Moon (21 August), last observed in the UK in 2007. BASIL contains background information, images and a star chart for both of these events.
Finally, Society News includes meetings and events for 2024, information from the last Committee meeting and the sad news of the recent passing of BAS member Bob McWhinnie.